Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday = test day

Today was test day...woohooo!!!! Okay, maybe I'm the only one that feels that way...THE CHILDREN WILL GET OVER IT! Lol!  Anyway, we got pretty good test scores on everything.   If I can figure out how to do it, I will start posting some of the tests so that you all can use them as well.  I'll have to check copyrights on some of them first, but those that can be shared will be...I hope.   Tomorrow is a family trip to the pumpkin patch.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  See ya Monday!!

Happy Learning!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Educational promised

As promised yesterday, I am going to start listing the websites we use for "curriculum".  Please feel free to check these out, we use many of them daily and most of them several times a week.  We can't pay a couple hundred dollars for "organized curriculum" and we didn't want to.  We decided that we would use what the public schools used and then find free curriculum on the internet...and so we have.  Enough about why we use these methods of instruction and on to the web addresses.

Khan Academy
Most people know about this site, so I won't drag it out.  This site contains instructional videos on almost every subject.  There aren't any regarding English/Language Arts, but most other subjects are covered.  The guy that does the videos is pretty in depth and makes sure to explain it sufficiently.  We mostly use this for the math videos for now.

This site is one that we use quite frequently.  It is another video site, but it has a video for almost everything and also has some that are just neat to watch.  The videos on this site are from different sources.  We have used this for math, science, history, english...basically everything.  The site is also good for all ages, so you wouldn't have to search forever trying to find a video that is age appropriate.

Another great video site that pulls videos from various places.  WatchKnowLearn  is also appropriate for all ages.  Users can register and any videos watched can be accessed again under the "my profile" tab.  It will show your viewing history and other information.  Users can also post their own instructional videos, join classrooms or create their own classroom.  We use this one a lot also.  The videos cover EVERYTHING.  This site is definately worth sitting down and looking at and ultimately registering.

These are the video websites we use.  We also occasionally use Netflix and YouTube, but only if we see a specific video that goes along with what we are currently studying.  I hope that these come in handy and help your students to understand things better or to learn something new.  I know that they help our boys.  These are especially helpful if students seem to understand better by seeing rather than strictly doing.  Our boys watch videos correlating to their studies and then do the book work that goes along with it.  I will get the other sites we use (worksheets, printables, learning games) together and post them soon.

Happy Learning!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All Children Do Not Learn Equally

After a few "light workload" days due to sickness, we are back in full swing.  With that said, we have been studying and learning out loud and via You Tube and Netflix.  Yes, you read that correctly.  We have studied history and grammar with School House Rock on YouTube and history and science with NatGeo and History Channel stuff on Netflix.  Today, after our science lesson, we studied math and grammar while grocery shopping.  I told you all of that to make this point...all kids do not learn the same way.  My 6th grader was struggling with grammar until we found a grammar game online and then it clicked.  So, whether homeschool or public school, use practical, everyday things to reinforce what your kids are just may "click" with them.  I'll post some of our websites tomorrow.
Happy Learning!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This is our homeschool blog

When we decided to homeschool this year, we met lots of opposition.  Most of it was from family members. However, things are moving along just fine and as a substitute teacher, I have found that my boys are actually ahead of the public schools.  So, this will be our blog to let you in on our world and for us to share our ideas and work with other homeschoolers and public school kids too.  Happy Learning!