Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Online School and Courses

I am currently trying to put together a free curriculum that will be posted online.  I am also working on an online school with course offerings.  Some of these will be free of charge while others will cost a small fee.  I will keep everyone updated as I get this done.  In the meantime, check out my website at www.tchrmom.weebly.com.

Happy Learning!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Never give up...never surrender.

Many people may look at homeschooling as something that they "could never do".  Others that do it, may think they are always behind and need to make sure they are caught up to where they need to be.  This is where we were yesterday, until I pulled up the required standards for our state.  When I looked at everything, aside from a little bit of History and Science that we had to finish, we were actually above our state standards in everything.  So that AWFUL Algebra we were struggling to get...not necessary, because it isn't required for his grade level.  This isn't to say that we, as homeschoolers, should just do the minimum requirements as dictated by the state.  However, we shouldn't beat ourselves up thinking we aren't doing our jobs.  We in fact, are probably doing our jobs better than most and our children are WAY less stressed out than if they were sitting in a classroom.
     So, have a little faith in yourselves as "teachers" and never give up just because you are afraid you aren't getting it all in.  You really are giving your kids what they need as far as their education goes.  Have a little faith in yourselves.  If you still aren't cut out for it, fine.  Just don't sell yourselves short.

Happy Learning!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Algebra...not fun at all

So my oldest is starting Algebra this year and we are having a really tough time.  We are stuck on how exponents work in equations...sounds like loads of fun doesn't it?  It will get better and we will get through it.   Feel free to lend suggestions on how to make it easier!

Happy Learning,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm Baaack...Finally

Sorry it has been so long.  I will do better.  I have finally figured out how to put printables up so I will start working on that and get those up shortly.

Have fun learning!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

History in the Making!

     Very excited today, because the boys are learning about voting.  They cast their votes in a mock election on www.currclick.com this morning and are going with us to vote this afternoon.  We have discussed the candidates and the reasons we are voting the way we are.  We have used School House Rock to learn about the government and are going to watch election returns this evening.
     It is very important that children are taught about this great nation and its freedoms early on.  This way, they are more prone to exercise their right to vote and to voice their opinion in that format.  I believe it will make them be more conscientious about voting when they are of legal voting age.
     Take your kids with you to vote or at least make sure that they have a firm grasp on the concept before they turn 18.  Let them see you exercise your right to vote...kids learn by example.  Be that example that you want them to be.  Teach them to question and scrutinize their government when the need arises, but most of all, teach them to vote for what is right and not what is popular.  Teach them that the major parties aren't the only parties out there.  TEACH THEM TO VOTE!!!  They are learning a wealth of knowledge just by studying this one aspect of government.

Happy Learning,

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pinterest junkie Christmas presents

I know it's been a while since I last blogged and I greatly apologize for that.  Now that everyone is over being sick and through with doctor visits, I will do my best to be more frequent. With that said, on with the show.
     So today and for most of the week, we are working on our Christmas presents that we found on Pinterest.  Yes, I am a major Pinterest junkie.  These particular gifts are from the boys to their grandparents and aunts.  WELL.... did not work exactly as it showed...of course, we didn't do it exactly as it showed, because we were trying to cut costs.  Needless to say, we improvised(we call it redneck engineering) and got sort of the same result....and it was pretty fun too.  If you really just think about it though, we worked on art and on logically solving a problem...so there was in fact some learning going on.  Will post pics later and will give details and show all the different designs we got from doing it our way!

Happy Learning,

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday = test day

Today was test day...woohooo!!!! Okay, maybe I'm the only one that feels that way...THE CHILDREN WILL GET OVER IT! Lol!  Anyway, we got pretty good test scores on everything.   If I can figure out how to do it, I will start posting some of the tests so that you all can use them as well.  I'll have to check copyrights on some of them first, but those that can be shared will be...I hope.   Tomorrow is a family trip to the pumpkin patch.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  See ya Monday!!

Happy Learning!