Tuesday, November 6, 2012

History in the Making!

     Very excited today, because the boys are learning about voting.  They cast their votes in a mock election on www.currclick.com this morning and are going with us to vote this afternoon.  We have discussed the candidates and the reasons we are voting the way we are.  We have used School House Rock to learn about the government and are going to watch election returns this evening.
     It is very important that children are taught about this great nation and its freedoms early on.  This way, they are more prone to exercise their right to vote and to voice their opinion in that format.  I believe it will make them be more conscientious about voting when they are of legal voting age.
     Take your kids with you to vote or at least make sure that they have a firm grasp on the concept before they turn 18.  Let them see you exercise your right to vote...kids learn by example.  Be that example that you want them to be.  Teach them to question and scrutinize their government when the need arises, but most of all, teach them to vote for what is right and not what is popular.  Teach them that the major parties aren't the only parties out there.  TEACH THEM TO VOTE!!!  They are learning a wealth of knowledge just by studying this one aspect of government.

Happy Learning,

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